
Sustainability Management Strategies – Review where you are in Sustainability Management

Sustainability Management Strategies - Create and Deliver a Staff Training Course

Most companies would like to improve their sustainability but they do not know where to start and do not have a method of assessing their current status. 

Without knowing where you are starting from it is impossible to plot a route to where you want to get to. 

The current status is best provided by an internal review. There are many ways of doing this but one of the easiest ways to get an overview of the company’s status with regard to sustainability is to complete the Site Sustainability Review developed by Tangram Technology Ltd. This is available as a free download from 

A site sustainability review will have small direct financial benefits but it is part of setting the scene for improvements in sustainability management. 

The framework is important in prioritizing and getting things done. 


  • Get the Site Sustainability Review (SSR). 
  • Carry out an internal review. 
  • Complete the SSR as a top management team (this should take around 2-3 hours) but it will introduce the team to all areas of sustainability. 
  • Use the SSR to see where you are in sustainability management and to identify areas with low scores and high improvement potential. 
  • Do not attempt to prioritize the actions. At this stage you are just trying to find out where you are. 

Dr. Robin Kent is the author of ‘Sustainability Management in Plastics Processing’, published by the British Plastics Federation and Managing Director of Tangram Technology Ltd. (, consulting engineers for energy and sustainability management in plastics processing.

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By Plastics Engineering | January 16, 2024

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