
Energy Management Systems – Site Surveys

Energy Management Systems – Injection Molding

Carrying out a full site survey is a specialist task but a mini-survey or walk-around will quickly and easily identify many actions to reduce energy use. Naturally, the focus will be on using that essential tool called the ’OFF switch’ but this can have remarkable rewards very quickly. 

Look for: 

  • Equipment that is not in production but has motors, heaters or downstream equipment running, e.g., conveyors. 
  • ‘Accepted’ practices that are wasting energy and that can be modified at no cost. 
  • Simple maintenance measures that can be introduced to reduce energy use, e.g., sealing compressed air leaks. 
  • Simple methods to stop machinery operating when it is not being productive, e.g., stopping granulators when there is no material present. 
  • Simple methods to change the way the site works. 

A site survey is useless unless action is taken as a result of the findings. A clear and concise report must give the findings, possible projects and, above all else, drive action. 

This is not about finding projects but about completing them. 


  • Carry out a mini-survey NOW. 
  • Make notes, take photographs and gather evidence. 
  • Produce ‘Non-Conformance Reports’ (as for your Quality system) that must be actioned. 

Dr. Robin Kent is the author of ‘Energy Management in Plastics Processing’, published by Elsevier and Managing Director of Tangram Technology Ltd. ( ), consulting engineers for energy and sustainability management in plastics processing. 

Also read Energy Management Systems – Getting Started.

By Plastics Engineering | January 2, 2024

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