New Masterbatches Reduce Contaminants in Packaging

Ampacet adds antistat for pharmaceuticals and an anti-contaminant for food and beverages
Ampacet Corp. has developed two masterbatches for use in polyolefin films. ProVital + Permastat is a permanent, medical grade antistat for pharmaceutical packaging. Organoleptic Preserver 1363 protects food and beverage packaging from low levels of flavor contaminants caused by packaging processes.
Polymer Network Dissipates Surface Static
ProVital + Permastat is for use in external film layers. The masterbatch creates a dissipative polymer network within the bulk layer of the film, allowing electrostatic charges accumulated on the surface to dissipate throughout the external layer. Ampacet, of Tarrytown, N.Y., says the antistatic effect is immediate, consistent during the life of the film and lasts as long as a film is in use.

Organoleptic Preserver 1363 masterbatch protects food and beverage products from off-tastes and odors that migrate from packaging.
The material’s dissipative property empties powder from bags of packaging materials, preventing particles from remaining inside bags due to static effect. In sealed bags, ProVital + Permstat eliminates static powder in the sealing areas of a film’s structure. The masterbatch can also be incorporated into polyethylene cleanroom films, which store and transfer pharmaceutical raw materials or active pharmaceutical ingredients used in drug production.
Use of the masterbatch provides full consistency of formulation with a no-change policy for raw materials at CAS RN (Clinical Assessment Service Registry Number) and commercial levels, with manufacturing under consistent process parameters and controlled room production to minimize cross-contamination risks.
Maintaining Taste and Odor Integrity
Organoleptic Preserver 1363 masterbatch captures off-tasting components in packaging and protects food and beverage products from off-tastes and odors. This is a concern because flavor contaminants can migrate from packaging and impair the organoleptic properties of foods and beverages, which in turn may affect quality perceptions and product acceptance by consumers. The masterbatch not only prevents this, Ampacet says, but in doing so, reduces the potential for food waste.
The masterbatch does not affect color or optical properties of final products and performs well at high processing temperatures, the company reports. It can be used with a range of polymers and be specially formulated for injection molding and blow molding, and film and other extrusion processes.