
Xeriant Forms BlueGreen Composites to Make Sustainable Nexboard Building Panel

BlueGreen Composites is targeting drywall and other conventional building materials with its Nexboard green panel made with recycled plastics.

Company names Tom Fitzgerald Jr. vice president of composites manufacturing

Xeriant Inc. announced on Aug. 8 that Tom Fitzgerald Jr. has joined the company’s new subsidiary, BlueGreen Composites, as vice president of composites manufacturing.  

He is responsible for establishing commercial-scale production of Xeriant’s Durever green building materials, notably Nexboard, which incorporates a fiber-reinforced polymer composite made primarily from recycled consumer and industrial plastics (see Plastics Engineering, Aug. 2).  

Nexboard, which resists fire, water, insects and mold, is being positioned as a green replacement for drywall, plywood, oriented strand board and other construction panels. As such it is an example of the growing trend of using recycled plastics in building and infrastructure materials (see Plastics Engineering, July 25, 26 and 31). Fitzgerald was most recently executive vice president of TMF Corp., of Havertown, Pa., a manufacturer of plastics containers and pallets started by his father 35 years ago.  

Xeriant, of Boca Raton, Fla., spent months working with TMF and Fitzgerald in the TMF plant to prove the efficiency of the high-volume, automated manufacturing process that will be used to make Nexboard panels.  

In a statement following the appointment, Xeriant says: “Fitzgerald’s expertise in advanced composites manufacturing technologies, industry contacts for sourcing equipment and materials, and hands-on experience were pivotal in the determination of Nexboard’s proprietary manufacturing methodology.” 

Xeriant is reportedly looking for a manufacturing location, possibly in New York state.  

Prototype samples of Nexboard will be sent to major homebuilding contractors. BlueGreen intends to have the product in commercial production and ready for delivery by year’s end.  

Plastics Engineering has reached out to Fitzgerald for comment.

By Pat Toensmeier | August 8, 2023

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